Remember, remember, the Hybrid Device, the MDM only enrollment Treason and The EPM Agent

Are you having Hybrid joined, Intune Enrolled devices, and are you wondering why the EPM agent isn’t arriving on your device once you have activated the Intune Suite and assigned an EPM policy to your devices? Well, if that’s the case, you will need to read this blog

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The KB5036980 breaks the Windows 11 Enterprise Subscription Activation.

Are you having issues with the automatic upgrade from Windows 11 Pro to Windows 11 Enterprise during Autopilot with the latest Windows build? If yes, this blog is for you!

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May the Intune Suite be with You!

This blog is going to show you something you need to be aware of when you are going to purchase the Intune Suite and you are using the DUO Cisco desktop app. When activating the Intune Suite license, you could get yourself into some trouble when you don’t know what is happening on the service side and your devices!

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I can only show you the Programs Entity, you're the one that has to Device Query it!

In this small blog, I will examine how the program's entity in the Intune suite feature called Device Query is a work in progress. I will update this blog every time I notice a change in the CmPivot IntunePivot DLL

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I have the 2024-03 update! Microsoft, Could you Config Refresh me?

With the March update, Microsoft fixed the Config Refresh bug, but that certainly doesn’t mean that it is also working. In this blog, I will take a closer look at how Config Refresh was still not working even when my device had the latest Windows 11 build installed.

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Call4Cloud BLOG

Rudy Ooms is naast Cloud Architect bij Deltacom, ook schrijver van vele artikelen op zijn website ''. Op deze pagina vind u de laatste (Engelstalige) artikelen. 

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